Visit Spain

Visit Spain

Links List: Culture

Madrid's Museums
Published by Go Madrid, guide to Madrid's finest art museums: El Prado, Thyssen Bornemisza, Avenue of Art, and others.

Picasso Museum Barcelona
A extensive collection of Picasso's work in Barcelona, also an impressive collection.

Picasso Museum Málaga
Pablo Picasso's work of nearly 80 years, exhibited in his hometown of Málaga. Impressive collection.

Salamanca Museums
Ample information about the city's excellent museums. The Art Nouveau & Art Decó Museum is not to be missed.

Salvador Dalí Museum
The Dalí Museum Official Web - exhibitions & virtual tours. The museum is in Figueres, north of Barcelona.

Salvador Dalí Museum USA
The Dalí Museum in St Petersburg, Florida - exhibitions & virtual tours.

Spain - Language & Culture
The Culture, Traditions, History and Heritage of Spain from StudyCountry. Very complete, lots of information.

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